I'm supposed to finish my PhD in the next few weeks. I'm going to post some random drivel about what I'm up to for reasons best kept to myself.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Point Insertion

Today's report is that I'm coding on the ns2 stuff. NS2 is a network simulator which I'm using to demonstrate some of the ideas in my thesis. However, it's not exactly behaving itself at the moment, but hopefully I'll be able to get some of the remaining bugs ironed out by Sunday so that I can start revising the actual thesis itself on Monday.

Current plan is to get at least a preliminary version of the ns2 code running by Sunday, then spend next week working on the thesis, taking on board the comments of Christian, Ian & Per. Then the week after to write the final paper and run some simulations. Then the final week to take on board the feedback from various supervisors and produce a final version of the thesis to send off to the printers. The timescale is very tight at the moment, so I'm not sure that I'll make it. There is an option to defend the thesis in May, but I'd really rather not to do that. A) because I have to teach Datakom 2 and B) I want the damn thing over and done with. Somewhere in the midst of all this Per needs to find an opponent for me too! ;)

Today I'm gonna be working at home, trying to solve this annoying Classifier bug in my ns2 code. I hope that I'll be able to get something done so that I can have the night off. I haven't spent much time with Sandra recently, so it would be nice to have a relaxing evening with her, some good food & wine and maybe some anime.

Current listening habits: Manic Street Preachers -- Lifeblood, Garden State soundtrack, Thievery Corporation, Motorhead -- Inferno, Megadeth -- The System Has Failed.
Current viewing habits: Cowboy Bebop, RahXephon
Current reading habits: Bruce Schneier -- Beyond Fear, Richard Dawkins -- The Ancestor's Tale

I recently watched The Life Aquatic which was a pretty interesting film, still haven't made up my mind about it, but well worth watching. Bill Murray is just great these days, although Olof is right that he usually plays similar roles. Apart from Coffee & Cigarettes though! ;)


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