I'm supposed to finish my PhD in the next few weeks. I'm going to post some random drivel about what I'm up to for reasons best kept to myself.

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Played around a bit with my code, discovered a couple of weird bugs, but nothing that I think will be a show-stopper. I'll look at it in more detail tomorrow after I've slept on it. Haven't had too much energy for work-related stuff today. Been thinking mainly about what kind of simulations to run in order to demonstrate what SelNet is capable of. I think that, at least at first, I will concentrate on its abilities to provide a user or end-system with choice about which of a handful of routes should be used for carrying its packets depending upon some user-defined criteria. Playing around with that should give me at least something to work with. I noticed from reading the IPNL paper, for example, that the implementation and evaluation section was not that comprehensive. Und dass ist irgendwie ein beruhrigendes gefühl. I'll probably have to produce a quick technical report for inclusion in the thesis and then work on a real paper with more in-depth results and detailed experiments for a journal paper at a later date.

Sandra is going out in an hour or so to Jossan's party, so I get to watch Blade Trinity and eat chocolate whilst she's out. :) Maybe I should blast some monsters in Painkiller: Battle Out Of Hell to keep me going in the meantime...


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