I'm supposed to finish my PhD in the next few weeks. I'm going to post some random drivel about what I'm up to for reasons best kept to myself.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Route Kanal

Another week, another party. Tonight is Henrik's thrash to celebrate his return from Australia. I've been working this week, ok, but not as much accomplished as I would have liked. That's the problem with having to take courses, they suck up so much of your time. Also, there are always students to deal with and other such things. I could really work 7 hours a day and not get a stroke of research accomplished. This week I've been working on the actual PhD thesis itself, rather than coding. It's been fun to play with the the thesis itself and see if I can make anything out of it. There's a lot of work still to be done. Per is on holiday next week though, so I plan to have something ready for him when he gets back. Hopefully it'll be in some sort of a quasi-readable state. Then it's back to some furious coding to get something working. I got a hot tip from Olof about NS2, which may help.

Still waiting for news from Japan, the XBox and for notification of rejection from the Global Internet Symposium.


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