I'm supposed to finish my PhD in the next few weeks. I'm going to post some random drivel about what I'm up to for reasons best kept to myself.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Unforeseen Circumstances

Sunday's are always a tough day to work on. Getting up late, everyone else relaxing and general lethargy don't really help the ol'work motivation. I managed to get a bit done today though, despite all the distractions. Now I automatically send a reply when an XRP message is received which means that automatically scaling up the system should be a bit easier now. Sandra and I discussed more about going to Japan, she sees a lot of the (very real) difficulties, whereas I tend to see more of the opportunities. Different outlooks I guess. She talked to a guy at a party who said that an application to study in Japan needs to be in at the beginning of Feb, so there isn't too much time. The courses are taught in English which should be a breeze for her, but it'll be a good idea to take a TOEFL test to please the evaluators. The more I think about it, the more excited I get about the idea of going to Japan for six months to year. It would be a fantastic experience and there's just so much to learn about the place. Plus I could get Udon & Sushi every day! :)

I'm looking forward to getting the PhD thing done and out of the way. There's lots of other research things that I'd like to work one. Perhaps something slightly more applied. Well, we'll see. Also talked to Stef about the impending pan-European road-trip which should be a lot of fun. I'll really need a holiday after this. I should make one last stab at trying to fix some outstanding issues with my code before hitting the sack.


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